Ahhhhh yes. The Season of Giving. The Season of Laughter. The Season to Be Grateful. The Season of Less Snarkitude and More Empathy.
I'm UberThankful for:
1. the good health of myself and my family!!! That's always the #1 item.
2. my library system. Seriously. Without it, I'd be broke. if I ever win the Powerball, I'm going to tithe my library.
3. the relative ease with which I can homeschool my kids. What with the googles and the lackadaisical attitude of my state towards public edumacation, I can be The Boss with little-to-no paperwork hassles.
4. frozen individual meals. Lean Cuisine? I'm talkin' ta YOU. SmartOnes? Healthy Choice? Step up and receive your award. All y'all help me keep my sanity on a daily basis.
5. Target brand chicken nuggets. My children's sole source of protein many days.
6. SuperTarget! My own personal superhero, complete with red (bullseye) cape. Where else can you get 93% lean ground beef, a Spongebob Make Your Own Taco Kit, Spongebob jammies and Spongebob batteries all in one easy stop?
7. My "girls." Many years ago I joined an online community and have found friendships that have lasted through marriage, divorce, children's births, children's tragedies, and multiple "No He Didn'ts!" wrt J&J+8. I've met a few of them irl and am so happy to say they did not turn out to be serial killers or (even worse) men trolling as women. ;)
On that note I want one of these dear friends to know that she's in my heart and thoughts especially..... my fellow blogger Katy has had bizarre and unexplained health issues recently. While I'm thankful that none of my worst-case-scenario-fears have come true, I truly wish I could be there for her in person to help with the regular, mundane stuff, and to support her family. She's one of the strongest ladies I've ever met and a credit to her daughters and our gender. Get well SOON, Katy!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
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