Vin: Why is your face all scrunched up, Mommy?
Me: I'm trying to think of the title of a book I read a long time ago.
Vin: Was it a big book?
Me: No, it was kinda small.
Vin: Is it on our shelf?
Me: No, I gave it away. I'd like to read it again from the library, but I can't remember the name of it.
Vin: Was it about VAMPIRES? You read a lot of books about VAMPIRES!

Tee hee hee. Well, yeah, maybe I do. *blush* I'm a Twilight Mom. And a Sookie Mom. And an Anita Blake Mom. I'm an Undead and Un______ Mom. I was an Interviewee With the Vampire before I was a Mom.
I have done my level best to instill a love of reading in Vin by setting a good example. Perhaps it's time to set an example of diversity in taste? Time to demonstrate that new genres can be exciting and thrilling, even if you do leave behind your comfy little niche (however momentarily)? I can't have him watching me and then deciding he only wants to read Nate the Great-style mysteries (well-written and intriguing as they might be, even for a child's series!) forever and ever.

Earlier this summer I got myself hooked (and by "hooked," I mean "crack-addicted") to a serial killer series by Tim Dorsey.

I'm still making my way through that set. Between Serge and Anita, I just don't have room in my life for another character. My heart is full. And while I anxiously await the next installment of Sookie and Betsy, I'm secretly relieved to be able to concentrate on just two of my favorite fictional people instead of four!
Of course, you know the millisecond a sequel comes out for Breaking Dawn, I'll have that baby pre-ordered faster than you say FANG.

P.S., I did finally remember the title of that book: Since the Layoffs, by Iain Levison. Fantastic novel about........ you guessed it......... a murderer. Happy Weekend!

1 comment:
How funny that he has picked up on your love of vampire stories! I don't think it would hurt to show some diversity to him, but I also dont't think there is any harm and letting Vin see that you love to read- and you read what you love!
I keep telling myself I am goin to start reading for pleasure again one of these days. I found the boxes with all our books, but we have no bookshelves at the moment so I haven't unpacked them!
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