Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bucket List

You have one, right? That list of things to do before you die? I have one, and it keeps growing to the point where I think I might have to retire last week to get it all done! :)

1. Stonehenge
2. County Kildare, Ireland
3. Run a race of some sort
4. Get "some work done" (iukwim ;) )
5. Massive road trip of all the geographical landmarks in my favorite books
6. Write a book
7. Have an epiphany
8. Be a contestant on Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune
9. Own a horse
10. Step on each continent

Geez, many of my line items are pricey.

11. Win Powerball or Mega Millions lottery.


Ashleigh said...

Yeah, my bucket list is super long. I've never actually written it out though..maybe I will do that.

MC said...

I have no idea how long my bucket list would be if I took the time to write it all down. You've got some great ideas on yours though- I might have to steal a few!

Karla said...

I think I would need two life times to get mine all acomplished. Yeah, the lottery might help too!