Monday, July 13, 2009

If It's Monday, It Must Be Acid - Coleman

Happy Monday, Party People!

Ready to rock? Prepped for pizazz? SUPAHDUPAH.

But first, let's have the answers avec jazz hands to yesterday's quiz:
1 - C
2 - A
3 - E
4 - B
5 - D

Now, because it's MONDAY and everybody hates MONDAYS because of the simple fact that it's MONDAY, let's save the ranting for another day and start off the week with a RAVE instead.

Here we are halfway through the summer and you're fresh outta beachy reading. Admit it. You blasted through Oprah's list, the Today Show list, and the USA Today list. All the full-color-Parade-Magazine easy stuff is shot. Now what?

You get yourself the rest of the way through the hot, humid, fetid summer with a little (or a lot) of Tim Dorsey. He's only the best murder/suspense author you haven't been reading. He's only hysterically L-O-L (yeah, WITH the dashes, drag it out) funny. He's the only author not writing about vampires who will force you to neglect your parenting and forget to cork the hose to the kiddie pool. Why is he the only one? Because you already plowed through all of Carl Hiaasen's stuff, that's why.

So get a hold of your local librarian and put in a request for Triggerfish Twist (yes, read them in chronological order). You'll feel so much better about the Old Farts cutting you off in traffic once you learn what you can do with Fix-A-Flat. Serge A. Storms, defender of the public trust, enforcer of logical empathy? Go Obama with me, folks......... YES, He Can!! Or, since it's set in Florida, SI, Se Puede!!

Happy Monday....... Feliz Lunes!

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